BE-terna Commerce

bởi BE-terna

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Map warehouse logistics processes of B2B and B2C

BE-terna Commerce is designed to help you having everything at the right place at the right time, providing efficient tools to make purchases, warehousing and sales easy, no matter if B2B, B2C or eCommerce.

Features & Benefits

  • BE-terna Commerce integrates with Business Central’s Tablet or Phone Client and provides the functions needed for registering Picks, Put-Aways and other movements using Mobile Devices.
  • Scanner support for registering, weighing, packaging, and labeling
  • Advice Management for purchases from overseas
  • Package or Shipping Unit Management
  • Supports Picking Carriages and separated Pick & Pack
  • Transport Orders to collect goods across locations

Works perfectly with the following BE-terna apps that enrich your digital landscape even more

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